So I saw a picture Comet Longboards had that was this same style (sans the text in the picture) and I liked it a ton. So I took a picture (one of Comet's haha) and pasted it on a blank canvas in photoshop. I added a white background. Then I shrunk the photo and moved it up slightly so that I would have a thick white border with more room at the bottom than anywhere else. I then messed around with the coloring of the photo, changing the "hue" (changing the hue of an image in photoshop changes the colors of an image by shifting each color equal distances down the rainbow of colors. i.e., blue would change to magenta while yellow would change to a green.). I just barely changed the hue to where it was slightly more redish and blue. I liked how the pavement kinda showed up redish, so I desaturated the photo a little bit and added more color on a blank layer above the image. I then added some cyan and green to the sky and some orange in between. I then took that layer and used a "blending option" so that it would blend in with the image below instead of laying on top of it. I used a clipping mask afterwards to have the color show up only on the image and not on the boarder. Gotta have it nice and clean! I then desaturated the image a little more, just to give it an older feel, along with an increased brightness (increasing the brightness essentially just adds a white tint to the image. It doesn't make the lights and darks go all crazy).
I added text to make the image a little more interesting. I went with a white, sanserif font with increased tracking (tracking is a typography term that just means the distance between each letter). I like sanserif fonts a lot because they're very simple, classy, and have a no-nonsense feel to them haha! I went with white text instead of something else in order to keep it simple. Because of the white though, it was hard at first to see the "F" and the "R" due to the white building. To fix this, I added faint black color behind the "F" and "R" to add contrast. To complete it, I added the text at the bottom. Credit goes to Comet for the photo and idea.