Thursday, April 18, 2013

Stuffy Wuffies

Yay! New post!
These three thingies are based on a design for a business card or something I found on Google. I started off with the cool design of my initials. I painted over them with cool colors and then used a clipping mask to make the color only show in the letters. I then spent a few minutes making the cool little swirly pattern which I placed beneath the lettering. later, got rid of the clipping mask by making it one layer. After that, I made the
lettering with the color a clipping mask for the pattern underneath.

I cropped the others because I didn't like how wide the image was when it was a vertically aligned design. I also used a white background. I like it!

With this one, I chose a darker background than the first one. I like this one too.

 These two are just experimental things. I want to add type, but I'm not sure what yet.

I was just experimenting with triangles and color.

I like this one a little more than the other.

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