Tuesday, April 9, 2013

High-tech Performance Machine

One of my friends said this on facebook. I unfortunately only have photoshop elements here at home, so I had only a small amount of type-faces to choose from. Oh well!

I took the picture from facebook as well, so none of this is mine except the mash-up. 
I took the original picture, made it a little brighter, added a little bit of orange to the clouds to make them look more dynamic without having to increase the saturation of the whole photo. I then added the magenta in the bottom-left, and the slight hint of orange in the top-right. I then put a layer of complete magenta on top of everything so far, but I decreased the visibility to only 4%. I did this to just add effect. I then did the same thing again, but with a completely orange layer, at 2%. The orange layer made the whole image a little "warmer." I added text, but realized that the text was difficult to read without adding something to create more contrast. To fix this, I put a super-faint splotch of black behind the text in the middle, creating a "drop shadow" effect but not quite. I also made the text a little see-through so that it doesn't stand out too much, but just enough.

Leave a comment on this or any of my other posts, telling me what you think! I really like input.

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